Turbine Controls Upgrades


Owners Engineers

The OEM’s are pushing every plant to upgrade to their latest greatest technology. Not every plant needs to upgrade as urgently as is being stressed by the OEM’s. OEM’s make money selling upgraded systems. The OEM Sales Teams work on commission and will say or promise almost anything to get you to upgrade to their newest technology.

TC&E is dedicated to helping owners understand the who, what, when and why! We are committed to helping owners “spend smart money”. Our team is available to sit in on planning and negotiations with the OEM’s. When they see our team on your team, they know they cannot make promises they cannot keep. We keep the OEM honest and get a better value for your plant.

Sometimes an upgrade cannot be avoided and during the execution portion, our engineers watch over the OEM technicians to ensure they are following good practice and procedure. The demolition of the original systems can be the most critical step in the process. If the map isn’t made properly during Demo, the road can be easily lost causing schedule slip and making startup extremely difficult. We have seen weeks added on to outages because of poor execution plans.

MKV HMI Retrofit

TC&E has partnered with Turbine Technologies Inc. to offer the TMOS SCADA replacement.
The TMOS SCADA was designed to be an easy, cost-effective replacement for the IDOS and Cimplicity HMI offered by the OEM.

Key Features

  • Easy migration of existing Runtime and Unit specific software files
  • Does NOT require a MKV Firmware Prom Upgrade
  • Does NOT require a Turbine outage to upgrade

Contact TC&E today for more information about TMOS upgrades

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Using the latest technology, components, and lessons learned through decades of experience, TC&E can ensure complete reliability for both start-up and continuous operation.


Spending good money where it makes the most difference! We understand that O&M budgets are shrinking, so we work with the plants to understand where and when to repair, replace, or upgrade for maximum return.


This is the key to success in today’s competitive power markets. Heat Rate, Capacity, Start-Up, and Maintenance Costs are critical to the success of aging power plants.


Aging systems can continue to provide reliable service for many years to come with the proper service, maintenance, and repairs. Push your upgrades out 5-10 years with confidence.

Success Story

TC&E always supports MEAG Power with the most experienced field engineers at the right time. whether a planned outage or when things go bump in the night, TC&E has been there for me with the right people or hard to find parts resources when I needed them.
Matt Engelbert

Principal Engineer, MEAG Power, Plant Wansley Unit 9.

TC&E has always provided a high level of expertise and detail on our site—most notably, custom-tailored projects to reduce parasitic load during the off-peak seasons using logic and controls.

Marco Ferreira Jr.

Ocean Peaking Power LLC, Cogentrix

Partners - We Partner with some amazing and marquee industry partners.

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