Water-cooled bus bar replacements are another area that our team handles. Not only do many of our customers experience failures and require these types of replacements, but we also recommend them simply for reliability purposes.

In this article, we will explain more about water-cooled bus bar replacements and also some benefits of these types of replacements.

What TILs Recommend

The TIL recommends installing flow restriction orifices of cooling water. Additionally, if the units have been in service for at least five years, then the bus bars should be replaced as well. This is because the bars experience excessive flow rates and eventually begin to erode from the inside out.

Some LCIs have water-cooled bus bars depending on when they were manufactured and rated. Units of water-cooled bus bars have been serviced over five years are applicable to the TIL. These units should be investigated thoroughly and upgraded as required by TILs to prevent extended forced outages and even more costs in repairs. 

You can also read more about the prioritized TIL list here.

Reliability Counts

Water-cooled bus bar replacements are important as they ensure that the water system doesn’t blow out and result in a major water leak inside the LCI. Water-cooled resistors and the load and source bridges can crack and result in a major leak, pouring water over the enter bridge assembly. This type of disaster can cause forced outages and flashover events, which every plant should prevent.

How TC&E Can Help

OEMs recommend a replacement parts kit, which is available with TC&E. Our team also provides turnkey projects for replaced resistors. Call us today to learn more about how we can help ensure your plant stays reliable as possible. Contact us for a free quote today.